Statement on the use of cookies

We, smicro GmbH, Lauterenstr. 37, 55116 Mainz, Germany, use cookies and similar software tools such as HTML5 Storage or Local Shared Objects (together "cookies") that are technically necessary to provide this website to you, including all of its functions and services that you use.

1. Functions and Purpose of Cookies

a. Cookies are small files that websites place on your computer, laptop, or mobile device when you visit them. They serve various purposes, such as managing your selections in the online vehicle configurator, maintaining your login status, or managing your shopping cart when applicable. It's important to note that cookies may contain personal data, such as a pseudonymous sequence of characters that identify your browsing session.

b. You have the option to visit our website without utilizing cookies. This means you can choose to reject or delete cookies at any time by adjusting the settings on your device. You can do this as follows:

  1. Most browsers come preconfigured to automatically accept cookies. However, you can change this setting by enabling the "do not accept cookies" option in your browser.
  2. You have the ability to delete existing cookies whenever you like. Detailed instructions on how to do this can be found in the guidance provided by your browser or device manufacturer.
  3. Keep in mind that the use, rejection, or deletion of cookies is specific to the device and browser you are using. Therefore, you should manage cookies separately for each of your devices and, if you use multiple browsers, for each browser individually.

c. Opting not to use cookies may result in some functions and services of our websites being unavailable to you, or certain functions or services may only be accessible to you to a limited extent.

2. List of cookies

We use the following cookies on our website:

name of cookie essential technical cookie storage duratiion cookie provider purpose
currentUser(in local Storage) yes unlimited smicro GmbH necessary for user authentification
smicro-cookies(in local Storage) yes unlimited smicro GmbH saves cookie settings

3. Additional information

For more information regarding data protection on our website, please refer to the Privacy Statement.